How the Tagsmart Service Works

Using the Tagsmart platform, verified members can add value to the works they care about by creating robust provenance records for future generations.

1. Apply for your account

Sign up for your free account by providing us with details about you and your practice/work.

2. Add your artworks/items

You only need to upload 1 piece to get started but can upload as many as you like. We advise starting with between 5-10 listings.

3. Order Certificates

Using our dedicated platform, order your certificates (and tags if required).

You can use the platform to:

  • Create records for unique works and editions, with print-on-demand edition management

  • Issue physical and digital Certificates of Authenticity with collector personalisation, and optional blockchain registration

  • Create a public web profile for specific works, subject to the relevant permissions

  • Forget about all the usual Certificate pitfalls: counterfeits, replacements, mis-deliveries, content management and record keeping

  • Monitor the dispatch of your Certificates

  • Assign DNA Smart Tag IDs to provide additional security

  • Export your artwork records to selected third parties, including printers, galleries and open calls, using Tagsmart Connect

  • Become a part of Tagsmart Verified Community

How do I pay?

Once your Tagsmart account is set up and you are verified, we will send you a Direct Debit form and you will be invoiced monthly for despatched certificates and tags.

We also offer payment via:

- Bank Transfers

- Credit/Debit Card Payments